Friday, February 17, 2012

An Official Lego Haunted House!?!?

Lego has either intentionally leaked something special or dropped the ball with a preview video for the upcoming 10244 Town Hall. The introduction to the Lego designer Estrid (cute!), who shows off the Town Hall, quickly flashes a Haunted House and large R2-D2. Well, too bad for our friends at Lego, because as most people know, once it hits the web you can't take it off! I took a quick screengrab with the controls/time showing so you know exactly when to look. It goes by quick - so think fast! If this is really going to released I just can't believe it - first Monster Fighters, now a Haunted House!?! My head is going to explode with tiny plastic ghosts!!!

This is the best quality we have for now

Big thanks to Smashing Bricks, and now onto the video:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

More Details about Lego Monster Fighters

Alrighty then,
So after reviewing the new video that the excellent site released from the Nuremberg Toy Fair I've put together some notes:

  • This line is target at years 9 and up.
  • The 6 crystals the fighters/monsters are battling over are called moonstones, when assembled at the castle they open to reveal "Gate to the Dark". Each smaller set has 1 moonstone, but the castle has all 6 moonstones.

  • The moonstones represent the monsters: ghost stone for the ghosts, wolf stone for the werewolf, lightning stone for Frankenstein's monster, eye of Ra stone for the mummy, bat stone for the vampires, and what looks like a swamp stone for the swamp monster.
  • The fighters are named Dr. Rodney Rathbone, Frank Rock, Jack MacHammer, and others.
  • The monsters aren't called Dracula (or any other mainstream name) but Lord Vampyre, Vampyre Bride, etc.
  • The castle also has a trapdoor (with spikes), exploding door, prison, hidden stairs, and two bat monsters.

  • There are lots of glow-in-the-dark pieces likes spikes/ghosts.
  • My daughter thinks Lego Monsters Rock!

Stay tuned for more updates as I find them!

Detailed Monster Fighters Video

Wow, there is so much in this video I want to cover, let me get this out there and then I'll start posting my thoughts in detail.

Found this through the ever awesome Smashing Bricks!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ninjago 2012 Minifigures

I don't collect too many monsters like the rock monsters from Power Miners or the underwater creatures from Atlantis, but I have to say I like the look of the snake dudes from this years Ninjago sets. These pics again come from Smashing Bricks, and they show the complete range of snake dudes coming out this year.

Monster Fighters: Draculas Bride Revealed

Smashing Bricks found a great close-up of 3 of the new Lego Monster Fighters minifigs. Here we have the Wolfman, a random fighter, and Dracula's Bride. I'm 100% certain those claws have to go, they just look way too funky. I wish Lego would have sculpted some custom hands (like the Boxer minifig). They could have used custom hands on the Wolfman and Wolverine, too, because I'm willing to bet he's going to have these claws.

Dracula's Bride is simply fantastic! It'll be great to have some female vampires running around my haunted castle! The monster fighters should be fun with all their little bionic limbs, and is that Thor's hammer? Can't wait to pound some stakes with that baby!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Monster Fighters: First Clear Picture!

What's up kids in internetland,
We have the first clear picture of the Lego Monster Fighters sets due out later this year. This comes from a German website (guess they have more relaxed rules at their toy fairs when it comes to pictures). They posted pics of the new Friends, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings 2012 sets, too, so head on over if you want to see those.

With every bit of new info I get more and more excited for these! Dracula's castle looks great (white spider!), and the Ghost Train is Freakin' Awesome! We don't have a good look at the new ghost shroud or the 'official' Swamp Monster, but I can try to be patient. Still not a fan of the Werewolf's claws, though, but I can just pop those off. They're just too far out of proportion. Now I want close-ups!!!